Unconditional Love (Damiana, Vanilla & Rose Tincture)
Small batch lovingly made during the Full Blood Blue Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo of January 30, 2018. Imbued with the fiery sign of Leo, this energy guides us to reclaim our power. The Full Moon encourages us to clear out any baggage or dusty cob-webs we may still be clinging on to. The Earth casts her shadow onto the Moon. Projecting the shadow-self. The power of the Lunar Eclipse asks us to look deep within our buried emotions. Transform us and change us. Whereas the Leo, asks us to shine our passionate heart. To celebrate life and who we are.
This one is especially special to me because it is the first herbal tincture I have ever made.
I waited for this beautiful Moon energy and created this healing tincture to help open our hearts. I made this in 2018. Prayed over it, everyday for 3 months. Sending all my love. It is said that the longer it ages the better it gets. It has been 2 years since.
Damiana (Turnera diffusa) is a plant medicine widely used in Northern Mexico and the area of Maya during prehistoric times. The Mayan name for Damiana was "Mis Kok," which translates into "asthma broom." For it is intended to sweep away problematic breathing. A stimulant, aphrodisiac, tonic, diuretic, nerve tonic and laxative all in one. A magnificent plant medicine she is.
Most known for being an aphrodisiac. Especially helpful for those with any kind of sexual trauma. When one experiences trauma, it makes it hard to put yourself in such a vulnerable state. Fearing a repeat of the past trauma. Damiana, helps bring healing to that area. By increasing blood flow and oxygen throughout the body including the reproductive organs.
As a stimulant, it has mood-enhancing action in both body and mind. Prescribed for mild to moderate depression and also chronic nervous exhaustion.
The Vanilla Bean, more than just a flavor was a sacred and coveted plant first grown by the Totonacs. A Mesoamerican tribe who used it in sacred ritual offerings, medicine and perfume. The sacred bean reached the Aztecs who then mixed Vanilla and Cacao together to create a tantalizing drink called "Xocohotl." Emperor Moctezuma offered this drink to the Spanish explorer Hernan Cortez, who fell in love with the drink. The Vanilla bean, not only does it taste delicious. It is known as an aphrodisiac and a mood-enhancer as well.
Last but not least, I added a little Rose liqueur which was lovingly made by a friend
(Thanks Gabby!) Rose is the epitome of unconditional love and beauty so it only makes sense to join all these wondrous plants together into one beautiful tincture to embrace self-love and all matters of the heart.
With Love,
Gia Hoa
Size: 1 ounce
Ingredients: Filtered Water, brandy, honey, damiana leaf, vanilla bean, hibiscus water, rose liqueur.